março 2020

Como impedir o bombardeio com zoom

Video calling app Zoom has seen a flood of activity recently, as people across the world shifted to remote work…

A evolução gráfica de Cacodemon, Mancubus e Cyber-Mancubus: DOOM 1 A DOOM Eterno

Published on Mar 31, 2020Lately, in lieu of ID Software and Bethesda releasing it’s rampaging gore-fest of a game Doom…

The Outer Worlds chega ao Nintendo Switch em junho

Prepare your memory cards for launch. Sci-fi role-player The Outer Worlds will arrive for Nintendo Switch as a physical release and…

O Xbox Series X tem a forma de um refrigerador para que possa liberar mais calor

In a departure from past video game consoles, the Xbox Series X stands upright instead of laying horizontally. Microsoft says…

Galaxy S7 e S7 edge ainda estão recebendo atualizações de segurança

It was almost exactly four years ago that the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge went on sale in markets…

O Snapchat impede clones e distribui histórias para outros aplicativos

If you can’t stop them, power them. That’s the strategy behind Snapchat App Stories, which launches today to let users…

Samsung deixará de produzir painéis LCD para focar em OLED

Samsung, one of the main Apple suppliers, has said it wants to cease the production of LCD panels by the…


OMS alerta pandemia de coronavírus ‘longe de mais’ na Ásia-Pacífico

A senior official at the World Health Organization warned that the coronavirus pandemic is "far from over" in the Asia-Pacific…

Melhores jogos de troca para quando você não pode sair de casa

#NintendoSwitch #BestSwitchGames #Nintendo Nintendo Life Loading... Unsubscribe from Nintendo Life? Working... 424K Loading... Loading... Working... Want to watch this again…

Call of Duty: Objetivo dos Bunkers da Zona de Guerra Possivelmente Descoberto

Fans discover more information about the Call of Duty: Warzone bunkers, basically confirming the purpose of the bunkers in the…

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