27.9 C
Rio de Janeiro
quinta-feira, fevereiro 6, 2025


Presença de Musk no governo pode fazer Nasa alterar planos de voltar à Lua para focar na conquista de Marte

A última presença humana na superfície lunar foi a Apollo 17 em 1972. Portanto, você pode imaginar que deve ser fácil para os EUA retornarem.

Phillipe Nover revela uma batalha ‘horrível’ sendo travada contra o coronavírus em Nova York: ‘Está se espalhando como se…

Ex-UFC fighter Phillipe Nover fought plenty of battles during his mixed martial arts career, but no opponent was as terrifying as the virus he’s currently watch tear through the population in New York City on a daily basis. The 36-year-old former Ultimate Fighter contestant has been a registered nurse in New York for several years…

A tecnologia mesoamericana de fundição de cobre ajudou o armamento colonial

This hearth from one of the Mesoamerican smelting furnaces, seen as it was being excavated by Dorothy Hosler and her team in Mexico, was among the sites that revealed that indigenous people were producing copper for the Spanish colonists. Credit: Dorothy Hosler When Spanish invaders arrived in the Americas, they were generally able to subjugate…

Mistério resolvido: A origem das cores nas primeiras fotografias coloridas

Edmond Becquerel, Solar spectra, 1848, photochromatic images, Musée Nicéphore Niépce, Chalon-sur-Saône. A palette of colors on a silver plate: That is what the world's first color photograph looks like. It was taken by French physicist Edmond Becquerel in 1848. His process was empirical, never explained, and quickly abandoned. Now, a team at the Centre de…

Dinossauro ‘Warrior’ com marcas desagradáveis ​​de garras descobertas no Novo México

Home News An illustration showing the newfound raptor dinosaur Dineobellator notohesperus, which lived at the end of the Cretaceous Period in what is now New Mexico. The ceratopsid (horned dinosaur) Ojoceratops and sauropod Alamosaurus are in the background. (Image: © Sergey Krasovskiy) About 70 million years ago, a cousin of Velociraptor got in a brawl…

De volta à Flórida, cápsula Orion se aproxima de prontidão para voo de teste de Artemis

NASA’s Orion spacecraft, perched on top of its European-built service module, is pictured inside an environmental test chamber at Plum Brook Station in Ohio. Credit: NASA/GRC/Marvin SmithThe Orion spacecraft slated to fly around the moon on an unpiloted mission next year has arrived back at the Kennedy Space Center following an environmental test campaign in…

Astrônomos observam buraco negro SUPERMASSIVO do universo primitivo

Astronomers have managed to capture a supermassive black hole firing out streaking jets of plasma after hungrily devouring matter in its vicinity, in a development that promises to cast light on early galaxies. The observation is made even more impressive by the fact that the supermassive black hole sits in the heart of a galaxy…

Philip Anderson, pioneiro em física da matéria condensada, morre aos 96 anos

Forward thinker: physicist Philip Anderson made a vital contribution to our understanding of how electrons move in solids. (Courtesy: P W Anderson via Wikimedia Commons) The US condensed-matter physicist Philip Warren Anderson died yesterday aged 96. One of the most celebrated condensed-matter physicists of his generation, Anderson’s theoretical research into the electronic structure of magnetic…

Nave espacial ligada a Mercúrio deve ser visível da Terra durante o sobrevôo de abril

This illustration shows BepiColombo near Earth. ESA The European Space Agency has scaled back some of its science efforts during the coronavirus crisis, but it has one key mission that simply can't wait. BepiColombo, a dual-spacecraft mission to Mercury, is set to perform a critical close flyby of Earth on the evening of April 9 in…

Soyuz MS-16 a caminho do lançamento em abril em meio à resposta COVID-19

At the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, Roscosmos and NASA are making preparations for the launch of Soyuz MS-16 and three new crewmembers for the International Space Station while working within new constraints due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The mission is set to launch on April 9, 2020 at 04:05 EDT (08:05 UTC) from Site 31/6…

Mars Rover da NASA está trazendo 10,9 milhões de nomes ao planeta vermelho

Sorry but something about this request looked a bit suspicious, and we block suspicious stuff. Back to IGN Another Quote QUOTE—AUTHOR

NASA escolhe missão para estudar causas de tempestades gigantes de partículas solares

NASA Selects Mission to Study Causes of Giant Solar Particle Storms - NASA

Genoma do esturjão sequenciado

The Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) belongs to the sturgeons. Its genome is an important piece of the puzzle in understanding the ancestry of vertebrates. Credit: Andreas Hartl Sometimes referred to as the "the Methuselah of freshwater fish," sturgeons and their close relatives are very old from an evolutionary point of view. Fossils indicate that sturgeons date…

Buracos negros podem ser vistos colocando um telescópio na Lua

Rings around a black hole: illustration showing the n=0,1 and 2 rings. (Courtesy: George Wong (UIUC) and Michael Johnson (CfA)) Adding a space telescope to the earthbound Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) should reveal the delicate series of light rings surrounding a supermassive black hole – according to a team of astrophysicists in the US. As…

Testes de coronavírus crescem, prolongando o tempo de espera para obter resultados

Two weeks ago, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced that help was on the way for people wanting to be tested for the coronavirus.A commercial laboratory called Quest Diagnostics, he said, would process 1,200 tests a day at its facility in San Juan Capistrano and quickly ramp up production to 5,500 per day.“We’re increasing our capacity on…

Oficiais da NASA esboçam planos para a construção de um Gateway Lunar em meados da década de 2020

To the moon, to stay? — "With the Gateway, you can extend the duration of the mission." Eric Berger - Mar 30, 2020 3:58 pm UTC Enlarge / Artist's concept of initial configuration of the Lunar Gateway.NASAThe concept of NASA's Lunar Gateway—a small outpost to be built in a halo orbit around the Moon—is about…

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