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Hello Bet

A mais recente violação de dados do Marriott afeta até 5,2 milhões de pessoas - eis o que fazer se você fosse afetado

Hotel chain Marriott announced Tuesday that hackers accessed an internal data system that contained the personal information of approximately 5.2 million guests, including names, contact details and addresses.Marriott reports that at the end of February it found that an "unexpected amount" of guest information may have been accessed starting in mid-January. The data was accessed using the logins of two employees…

Zoom assume liderança das equipes da Microsoft, pois o coronavírus mantém os americanos em casa

Business|Zoom Takes Lead Over Microsoft Teams as Coronavirus Keeps Americans at HomeMarch 31, 2020, 5:22 p.m. ET(Reuters) - Zoom Video Communications Inc's average user numbers in March were nearly three times that of its nearest rival Microsoft Corp's Teams, according to research firm Apptopia, as the cornonavirus-driven stay-at-home lifted demand for video conferencing platforms.Daily U.S.…