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Número de pessoas que morreram na Inglaterra após contrair coronavírus aumenta em 159, elevando o número de mortes no Reino Unido para 1408

The latest headlines in your inbox More than 150 coronavirus patients died overnight in England, raising the UK-wide death toll to 1,408. NHS England confirmed 159 people had passed away since Sunday, aged between 32 and 98. All but four – aged between 56 and 87 – had underlying health conditions. It comes as the latest figures show 22,141…

Enquanto o mundo busca a vacina contra o coronavírus, uma retrospectiva dos ovos usados ​​para combater o 'grande espirro' em 1956

Published on Mar 30, 2020Subscribe to our YouTube channel for free here: the medical community of 2020 continues its frantic search for a vaccine against the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, images from more than a half century ago show an aspect of the scientific research that is still in use today. In 1956, British specialists…