30 C
Rio de Janeiro
quarta-feira, fevereiro 5, 2025


Grupo Pela Vidda promove ação de prevenção às ISTs para o verão no Rio

Iniciativa distribuirá mais de 50 mil itens de prevenção, incluindo preservativos e materiais educativos, em diversos pontos da cidade durante o período carnavalesco

Agora o mundo enfrenta duas pandemias – uma médica, uma financeira

We are feeling the anxiety effects of not one pandemic but two. First, there is the Covid-19 pandemic, which makes us anxious because we, or people we love, anywhere in the world, could soon become gravely ill and even die. And, second, there is a pandemic of anxiety about the economic consequences of the first.…

Teste de coronavírus: a batalha para rastrear a pandemia

The imperative to “test, test, test” has become a slogan of the coronavirus pandemic since it was voiced last month by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, head of the World Health Organization. But the simple goal continues to elude even well-off countries that are struggling to track the spread of the virus among their populations.Germany and South…

Coronavírus: os hospitais são instados a usar o espaço do laboratório para testar a equipe do NHS

Image copyright Getty Images Hospitals should use spare laboratory space to test self-isolating NHS staff in England for coronavirus, Health Secretary Matt Hancock has said. The government faces growing criticism over a lack of testing for frontline staff who could return to work if found clear of the virus.On Tuesday, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove…

Coronavírus: Funerais devem garantir distanciamento social, dizem novos conselhos

Mourners must keep two metres apart at funerals and only members of the same household or close family should attend, new guidance says.Public Health England also told people to avoid "close contact" with the body of anyone who has died with symptoms of COVID-19 as there is a "real risk" of transmission. The advice was…

George Alagiah da BBC sobre como viver com coronavírus e câncer

BBC's George Alagiah on living with coronavirus and cancer - BBC News - BBC News

O hospital NHS de Guy e St Thomas em Londres está “prestes a ficar sem medicamentos essenciais em dias”

NHS hospitals at the forefront of the battle against coronavirus are about 'to run out of essential drugs' to look after intensive care patients, according to a leaked document published today. Medics across Europe sounded the alarm in a letter to governments on Tuesday. To manage the most severe cases of COVID-19, resuscitators have to immerse the patients in…

Pai desesperado escondeu sintomas de coronavírus para entrar na maternidade depois que a esposa deu à luz – e agora a esposa é s

6A DESPERATE dad hid coronavirus symptoms to get into a hospital’s maternity ward before his wife gave birth – and now she is sick. The shocking incident happened last week at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York. 6 The incident happened at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NYCredit: University of Rochester Medical CenterThe medical…

O primeiro sinal de coronavírus pode ser a perda de paladar e olfato – poucas horas após a detecção do inseto

LOSING your sense of taste and smell could be a sign you caught coronavirus just HOURS earlier, doctors believe. An increasing number of people are reporting the loss of the two senses, despite it not being a main symptom recognised by the NHS. ⚠️ Read our coronavirus live blog for the latest news & updates…

Coronavírus: Moradores da cidade italiana ‘exigem remoção de mulher com vírus’

Residents in a town in southern Italy took to the streets to demand a woman with coronavirus be moved out the area after the mayor spoke about her case, according to local media. Locals in Acerra, near Naples, reportedly went to the neighbourhood in which she is staying, knocked bins over and blocked a road…

GPs serão abertos nos feriados para ‘se alinhar com o restante do NHS’

GP practices in England will need to stay open over the Easter - and possibly May - bank holidays this year as NHS England confirmed they are to be treated as ordinary working days. In a letter to GPs on the 'emerging Covid-19 situation', NHS England said it would make changes to the GP contract…

Os medicamentos existentes podem retardar o Covid-19? | O negócio

The fastest route to treatments may be to repurpose existing drugs – if they workMore than a dozen companies worldwide are working to develop a vaccine against Covid-19 amid the worsening pandemic. But experts estimate that will take at least 12­–18 months, so doctors and companies are trying to repurpose existing drugs in the fight…

Avanço do coronavírus: bloqueio do Reino Unido “fazendo a diferença” na batalha do COVID 19

Patrick Vallance told a news conference that the lockdown measures are "making a difference" in the fight against the coronavirus. The number of transmissions within in the community is considered to be decreasing.Hospital admissions evidence shows cases are not increasing as rapidly as expected.There are now 9,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in hospitals in England.The numbers…

50 residentes do lar de idosos da Califórnia testam positivo para coronavírus

April 1, 2020 | 3:21am | Updated April 1, 2020 | 3:23am More than 50 residents at a California nursing home have tested positive for the coronavirus — and two of the patients have died from the illness, officials said Tuesday. Health officials in San Bernardino County said all residents in the Cedar Mountain rehab…

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